Recent projects


I am excited to announce that four new recorded courses have been added to the BrodyOnline teaching series. If you want to challenge yourself to create new and fascinating letterforms, these courses are for you. My “Wrong Letter” concept will push you outside your comfort zone and into a new zone of fun, play, and experiment.

OVER THE SHOULDER – Join for Free!

I open my portfolio and share with you some of the works I have made in the last few years. You can look over my shoulder, ask questions, and hear my thoughts on how my collages, wrong letter compositions, and other works on paper are created. And of course, there are always more ideas than I can bring to completion.

Thrones, Bones and Cobblestones

What do you do when a saint looses his shrine? And what if he was not much of a saint anyway? That was the dilemma I faced when I entered a competition to design a new shrine for a medieval saint - and won! This mystery man rested for more than seven centuries in a marvelous shrine of gold, enamel and jewels. But curatorial issues won out over ancient pieties and the shrine was moved to a new museum.

By |2021-01-29T22:23:54+01:00January 29th, 2021|Recent projects|1 Comment


I have worked for the Archdiocese of Paderborn in Westphalia for many years, doing painted wall inscriptions for exhibitions, stained glass for the choir school, monuments for public spaces and even inscriptions for two immense bells for the cathedral carillon.  Paderborn was an important residence of the Emperor Charlemagne; and so it seems fitting that the archdiocese, like the emperor, should keep calligraphers busy.

By |2021-01-26T21:43:16+01:00January 10th, 2021|Recent projects, Suffering artist|6 Comments
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